Three Conditioning Exercises for Your Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Training


Workouts that focus on strength and conditioning training can be great at improving your overall fitness. They can also sharpen your martial arts game when used right. It all trickles down to the nitty-gritty of what you want to achieve. If you want to get stronger, you should embrace lower reps and heavier weights. For building endurance and conditioning, doing more reps at low weights will help. Here are a few exercises you should include in your Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu training:


Pull-ups can be ideal when looking to build upper body strength and developing your upper back muscles. They can make it easier to perform pulling motions during Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu training and sparring sessions. If you are having trouble doing pull-ups, you can always start with negative pull-ups or jump pull-ups. You can then work your way up into doing the ordinary pull-ups. Whichever form of pull-ups you start with, ensure that you squeeze your shoulder blades together. This helps activate your back muscles rather than the biceps.


Thrusters are effective in improving cardiovascular fitness and explosiveness. You can start by holding the barbell in front of you and having your feet shoulder-width apart. Ensure your wrist is under the barbell. Push the barbell above your head as you extend your legs and hips rapidly while doing squats.

Overhead Press

This happens when you lift dumbbells or kettlebells above your shoulders. They are effective at activating deltoids. Strong shoulders can ensure your guard is always up, even when fatigued. You can start anywhere between eight to ten reps. The weights you use should be heavy enough to make the last reps tough to get done with.

Starting out with the above three exercises will help you perform better during Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu training and sparring sessions. However, you should make doing them a habit. It might take some time to notice the changes, but you will eventually start feeling the difference.

© 2020 Peter Miller, Weight loss consultant. 12 Pike St, New York, NY 10002
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